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Friday, September 14, 2018

The EU and How It Will Affect EVERYBODY

As a storyteller,I know it might sound like I'm crying "Wolf!", but 
as a librarian the tiny aggravation in our Inboxes before on the EU 
policies were just a warm-up to a truly Internet breaking policy that 
affects the entire Internet.   

Today I received this (my own comments follow), also I put in bold 
type the part affecting everybody:  

   *This is terrible:* The EU Parliament just caved in to giant 
corporations and passed a massive overhaul of copyright law that 
threatens to ruin the Internet as we know it.    The Parliament 
approved the requirements for taxes on hyperlinks and censorship 
upload  filters for any website that publishes content. 
1 If these policies become law, websites like Reddit and Wikipedia 
could be wiped out entirely.  And it would pave the way for similar 
policies here at home.   But the good news is that the EU Council 
gets its say, and we're going to make sure these devastating policies 
are rejected.

OpenMedia is pressuring EU member states to stand up to corporate 
interests and vote  down the Link Tax and Censorship Machines for 
good. Will you donate to help our efforts?  
The Link Tax would affect not just Europe, but the entire Internet 
ecosystem. Requiring websites to use automated content-filtering 
technology would cost millions of dollars and thousands of manpower 
hours, likely decimating small online businesses and startups. 
2   This legislation stems from pressure from gigantic publishers who 
would rather destroy the free and open Internet than admit their 
business models are obsolete. They want Google and other data 
aggregators to pay up when they link to original sources-but that 
means that we'd also have to pay, changing the way we share 
information with each other. 
3   And the legislation also calls for content sites to have YouTube-
style upload filters.  But most sites don't have the manpower or 
financial resources of YouTube, which paid tens  of millions of 
dollars to put its filter in place. These Censorship Machine 
requirements will put smaller sites out of business for good. 
We've seen the effect that Europe's new  privacy requirements have 
had on websites we use here at home-dozens of new terms of  service 
agreements have come through our email inboxes.  That's why it's 
essential that  the entire world become involved in the fight against 
the EU's new copyright legislation.   And as a global organization 
with campaigners around the world, OpenMedia is uniquely suited to 
take up the fight. 
When this came up earlier I posted on storytelling sites what I could 
find about the  EU Council.  A Canadian storyteller who is also a 
librarian, Elinor Benjamin, added "I managed to harvest all the email 
addresses from the site so I could send one message to all of them - 
freely adapted from Lois' point. Here they are if anyone wants to do 
the same. . ."  

Please consider how you, too, might respond before the EU Council 
takes steps affecting all of us whether we have a website or not, 
since we all use the internet. 

LoiS(hocked and you should be, too)

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